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Character Information
Profession:Elder Druid
World:Kaldrox Enforced
Marital status:single
House:Harbour Place 2 (Shop) (Thais) is paid until 31 Dec 1969 21:00
Frags:Killed 93 players
Last login:29 May 2024, 12:25 am
Account Status:Premium Account
Balance:$ 291.918.901 Gold Coins.

Other Infos
Quests: 35%
Tasks: 06%

28 May 2024, 23:36 Killed at level 242 by Rip Dazzler, Lampiao, Jaguarx Tiktoker, Torneo Cell Papi, Ragabash, Esse Upacyc, Rahelovsky, Dioneraa, Killer Avenger, Davineitor, Gasperrzinho, Noxy Paramax, Adony Style, Dutch Passion, Frankziio, Luciano, Fire Killer, Mablung, Kenji Non Koneksja, Azinhow Tearregaca and by Razhid.
28 May 2024, 23:31 Killed at level 242 by Esse Upacyc, Fire Killer, Torneo Cell Papi, Lampiao, Rahelovsky, Azinhow Tearregaca, Killer Avenger, Habbo Ms, Diguinho Roludo, Adony Style, Jaguarx Tiktoker, Pajaro Maldito, Mablung, Guama Desguezado, Progronczyna, Gasperrzinho, Rip Dazzler, Vitinho Side, Dutch Passion, Ragabash, Monorio Terrorista, Dioneraa, Davineitor and by Marte Ladrao.
28 May 2024, 22:39 Killed at level 243 by Phelinexz, Dezzler, Rip Dazzler, Dazzler Matabot, Adony Style, Lampiao, Fardmorix, Jaguarx Tiktoker, Guama Desguezado, Flamen, Ragabash, Dynamo Return, Jin Yuz Hanxz, Vinchuka, Mablung and by Pajaro Maldito.
28 May 2024, 21:48 Killed at level 243 by Screen, Cosworth, Vulgo Eliovan, Leads, Jameesbrow, Hyt Vityn, Knoove, Cuscuz Com Leite, Sd Smolk, Rihanna, Pokest, Malako Push, Thebestfoden, Resistence, Psychiatryczny, Official Kagbe, Sr Koringa Loko, Pribizinho, Desprezivel, Hjdoxza Manjeico and by Vps Edfghiklm.
28 May 2024, 21:36 Killed at level 244 by Resistence, Sd Smolk, Hyt Vityn, Psychiatryczny, Cosworth, Official Kagbe, Knoove, Thebestfoden, Vps Edfghiklm, Screen, Rihanna and by Vulgo Eliovan.
28 May 2024, 14:49 Killed at level 245 by Dynamo Return, Matatan Loco, Koenma, Guama Desguezado, Teito, Dutch Passion, a lizard snakecharmer, a lizard sentinel, a lizard templar, a cobra and by cobra.
22 May 2024, 13:18 Killed at level 241 by Adony Style, Teito, Serbero and by Holztek.
22 May 2024, 07:43 Killed at level 241 by Cxvzyu, Erick Oldtimes and by draken warmaster.
21 May 2024, 20:42 Killed at level 240 by Lampiao, Azinhow Tearregaca, Lenda Uchiha, Lula Nove Dedos and by Azulao.
20 May 2024, 15:29 Killed at level 238 by Diego Insano, Drake, Carlao and by Maximo Respeito.

Frags List
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Frags Unjustified

Record of Daily Experiences
EXP Today
not gain exp (Monster Experiences) PvP: +0 (Experiences per Killing)
not gain exp (Monster Experiences) PvP: +0 (Experiences per Killing)
not gain exp (Monster Experiences) PvP: +0 (Experiences per Killing)
not gain exp (Monster Experiences) PvP: +0 (Experiences per Killing)
not gain exp (Monster Experiences) PvP: +0 (Experiences per Killing)
not gain exp (Monster Experiences) PvP: +0 (Experiences per Killing)
not gain exp (Monster Experiences) PvP: +0 (Experiences per Killing)
-9.147.309 (Monster Experiences) PvP: +1.211.695 (Experiences per Killing)

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